Acupuncture is the use of very fine needles inserted into the body to produce a therapeutic action. It directs harmonious flow within the body, allowing the individual to heal from injury and illness, and prevent further disease. It addresses the mind, body and spirit as a unified whole to effect deep and lasting change.
We offer both private and community-style acupuncture treatments to meet the needs of each individual.
Conditions we treat.
As a holistic medicine, acupuncture can be highly effective in addressing both symptoms and the underlying cause of disease. This helps to ensure lasting change and long-term resolution of your condition. We address a variety of concerns, including:
Pain Conditions
Stress Management
PTSD & Trauma
Digestive Disorders
Grief & Loss
Allergies & Asthma
Post-surgical Recovery
Menstrual Disorders and Infertility
Addictions Recovery
Health Maintenance
What to expect at your first appointment.
An initial consult can take slightly more than an hour, while follow-ups are typically 60 minutes. Jen will ask questions about any major health concerns as well as your overall health. Feeling the pulse, examining the tongue, and abdominal palpation are all diagnostic tools. After the needles are inserted, you get to relax for 45-60 minutes. With private sessions, hands-on energy-work (Reiki, Medical Qi Gong) is incorporated to reinforce the beneficial effects of acupuncture, and the session is closed with a few minutes of Tuina (Chinese Medical Massage). This helps anchor the session and relax areas of tension. For those who are needle-sensitive or needle phobic, magnets can be used in place of needles, and Reiki is available as a standalone modality.
Please prepare for your appointment by wearing loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. Be sure to eat and drink plenty of water prior to your appointment.
Stream-line your first appointment by completing the intake paperwork online once you schedule your appointment.
A little history.
Acupuncture is part of a complete medical system based on Chinese medical theory, which has been developed and refined for over 2000 years. This theory extends to guide dietary, lifestyle and activity choices, all of which fall into our scope of practice. The use of small diameter, solid needles minimizes the invasiveness and discomfort while allowing the practitioner to promote balance within the body.