We customize our treatments to the specific needs of each patient as they walk through the door. Patients are re-evaluated at the beginning of each session to ensure the greatest benefit. No two days are the same, and our individualized treatments reflect this. We schedule both customized private sessions and group treatment.

Insertion of single-use, pre-sterilized needles into the body to effect a therapeutic action. The use of small diameter, solid needles minimizes invasiveness and discomfort while allowing the practitioner to promote balance within the body. This restores and maintains health, supports the body in recovery from injury and illness, and promotes a sense of relaxation and wellness.

A hands-on form of energy manipulation which harmmonizes the internal systems of the body. It approaches the mind and body as a whole, to move beyond imbalances. This strengthens the individual's ability to heal and withstand damage.

Suction is created in either glass or plastic cups on muscular areas of the body. Much like massage, it helps to release tension and increases circulation to the tissue. Cups can be applied in either stationary or moving techniques.

Traditional Chinese massage techniques. These techniques work on the muscular and connective tissue levels to reinforce proper alignment of skeletal structures. By releasing tension and correcting alignments, it allows freer, more comfortable movement. It also creates space for the internal organ systems to function more effectively, improving overall health.

Gua Sha

A technique with similar therapeutic applications as cupping. A smooth ceramic tool is scraped across the skin to release connective tissue or muscular adhesions, allowing increased blood flow to nourish body tissues in the region.

Eastern Dietary Therapy
Food is medicine, and can be a critical part of the healing process. Explore how your diet is impacting your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Make dietary choices that work for your specific body and needs.
PRIVATE ACUPUNCTURE SESSIONS: includes acupuncture, Reiki, and any other modalities that support your wellness goals.
Initial Session: $115 for community members, $105 for JCC members
Follow-up Session: $100 for community members, $90 for JCC members
Initial Session: $45 for community members, $40 for JCC members
Follow-up Session: $40 for community members, $35 for JCC members
60-minutes: $100 for community members, $90 for JCC members
Free Community-style Trauma Healing Clinic
TUESDAYS, 6:00-7:30pm:
Many of us are feeling deeply affected by personal, social and global conflicts- recent events and long-standing traumas. Acupuncture can help regulate the nervous system, calm the mind, and settle the heart during stressful experiences. The NADA protocol is a basic set of ear points, widely used for trauma relief. It can address related symptoms including insomnia, body tension, pain, anxiety, and depression. It can help re-establish a sense of peace, safety, and wellbeing.
This clinic is open to all, regardless of social, spiritual, or political perspectives. Our goal is to promote harmony and cohesion, within ourselves and within the community.